January 15, 7:00 PM
One Hundred Prisoners and a Light Bulb - and other Knowledge Puzzles (Abstract).
I will talk about logic puzzles involving knowledge and ignorance, and their history, and how such puzzles influenced my research in the logic of knowledge. The following puzzle that came to me by way of Moshe Vardi: "A group of 100 prisoners, all together in the prison dining area, are told that they will be all put in isolation cells and then will be interrogated one by one in a room containing a light with an on/off switch. The prisoners may communicate with one another by toggling the light-switch (and that is the only way in which they can communicate). The light is initially switched off. There is no fixed order of interrogation, or interval between interrogations, and the same prisoner will be interrogated again at any stage. When interrogated, a prisoner can either do nothing, or toggle the light-switch, or announce that all prisoners have been interrogated. If that announcement is true, the prisoners will (all) be set free, but if it is false, they will all be executed. While still in the dining room, and before the prisoners go to their isolation cells (forever), can the prisoners agree on a protocol that will set them free?" I will, obviously, present a solution. But I will mainly address such puzzles of knowledge in general. There are many others, such as the 'Muddy Children Puzzle' (also known as the 'Wisemen Puzzle' or the 'Hats Problem') of which the history goes back (at least) two centuries, 'Surprise Examination', 'Monty Hall', 'The telephone problem' (Gossip), etc. They often involve a (seemingly) paradoxical aspect making agents knowledgeable by announcements of their ignorance. There is a strong relation between such puzzles and the area in logic known as 'dynamic epistemic logic'. More information on such puzzles is found on http://personal.us.es/hvd/lightbulb.html.
Speaker: Hans van Ditmarsch, Senior Researcher at CNRS, France.
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